18 – 21 August, 2024 @ Champagne Sports Resort

Why We Arranged This Event

The symposium will provide feedback on citrus research conducted for the Southern African citrus industry during the previous two years. This research has been conducted by researchers from CRI, several universities, the ARC and researchers from the private sector. The symposium will be attended by a wide spectrum of citrus industry role players including citrus producers and their technical staff, citrus consultants (SASCCON), citrus exporters, the citrus nursery industry (SACNA), the Citrus Improvement Scheme (CIS), members of the CRI Postharvest Technical Forum (which includes citrus pack houses, the Exporters Technical Panel, the Cooling Working Group and the paper and carton manufacturing companies). PPECB, logistics service providers, the chemical industry, the delegates from other related industries such as the suppliers of spraying, fertilising and irrigation equipment

This symposium will host international guest speakers. VILLA will be the main sponsor. Other sponsored events will be the BAYER golf day, the UPL welcoming cocktail mixer and dinner, the KING PRICE INSURANCE & RIVER BIOSCIENCE Happy hour & Street Food Festival, the LAEVELD AGROCHEM sponsored dinner on the Tuesday evening and the SAPPI gala dinner and MBFI entertainment evening.

  • BAYER Golf day
  • UPL Welcome Dinner
  • KING PRICE INSURANCE & RIVER BIOSCIENCE Happy Hour & Street Food Festival
  • LAEVELD AGROCHEM Tuesday Dinner
  • SAPPI Gala Dinner & MBFI Entertainment evening
  • REEMOON, MAFRODA & AVIMA sponsored lunches










CRI appreciates the valuable contribution of sponsorships, but such sponsorship in no way implies that CRI endorses any products or services of the event sponsors. Furthermore, CRI does not endorse the use of any unregistered products or off-label recommendations.

Information communicated at CRI events is intended solely for the benefit of the southern African citrus growers. This information must be treated as confidential and may not be distributed nor published without the prior written consent of CRI. By attending a CRI event, attendees undertake to maintain the confidentiality of the information communicated to them.

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