Golf Day
CRI’s 12th Citrus Symposium
Symposium Golf Day – 18 August ’24
Players (4 Ball confirmed)
CRI – Sitrus Simposium
Simposium Gholfdag – 18 Augustus 2024
Ons opregte dank en waardering aan BAYER vir hulle borgskap van hierdie jaar se gholfdag.
Die doel van hierdie skrywe aan al die gholfers wat ingeskryf het om vanjaar te speel, is om julle vriendelik te versoek om ons so spoedig moontlik te laat weet saam met wie julle graag sal wil speel, m.a.w die opmaak van julle “4 Balle”. Met vorige gholfdae het ons ‘n paar versoeke ontvang van gholfers wat graag wou saamspeel maar die versoeke het ons ongelukkig te laat bereik. Ons verstaan dit is altyd lekker om saam met ‘n vriend of vriende te speel en ons sal graag almal wil akkomodeer, maar met ‘n vol veld is dit egter nie altyd moontlik nie. Spelers wat nie in ‘n vooraf gereelde 4-bal ingeskryf is sal deur ons ingedeel word. So kommunikeer asseblief betyds om teleurstelling te voorkom.
Ons sien uit daarna om julle op 18 Augustus 2024 op die pragtige Champagne Sports Resort gholfbaan te verwelkom.
Vriendelike Groete
André Combrink
Cell: 083 229 7969
CRI-Citrus Symposium
Symposium Golf Day – 18 August 2024
Our sincere thanks and appreciation to BAYER for sponsoring this year’s golf day.
The purpose of this letter to all the golfers who registered to play this year is to request that you please send us as soon as possible the names of the players you would like to play with, in other words, the making up of your “4 Balls”. On previous golf days, we received a few requests from golfers who wanted to play together, but unfortunately, we received the requests too late. We understand that it is always nice to play with a friend or friends and we would very much like to accommodate everyone, but with a full field it may not always be possible. Players not included in a pre-booked 4-ball, will be placed by us. So please communicate early enough to avoid disappointment.
We are looking forward to welcoming you on 18 August 2024 on the beautiful Champagne Sports Resort Golf Course.
Kind Regards
André Combrink
Cell: 083 229 7969